SourceControlStatus: Unmodified
Examine the labels of the tenth file.
ans =
Label with properties:
File: "C:\MATLAB\Projects\examples\TimesTableApp1\tests\tNewTimesTable.m"
DataType: 'none'
Data: []
Name: "Test"
CategoryName: "Classification"
Get a particular file by name.
myfile = findFile(mainProject,"source/timestable.mlapp")
myfile =
ProjectFile with properties:
Path: "C:\MATLAB\Projects\examples\TimesTableApp1\source\timestable.mlapp"
Labels: [1×1 matlab.project.Label]
Revision: ""
SourceControlStatus: Unmodified
Create New Project
Create the Times Table Game project. This project will store the game logic behind the
Times Table App. The Times Table Game project will be used by the Times Table App
project through a project reference.
Create the project and set the project name.
timesTableGameFolder = fullfile(mainProject.RootFolder,"refs","TimesTableGame");
timesTableGame = matlab.project.createProject(timesTableGameFolder);
timesTableGame.Name = "Times Table Game";
Move the Times Table App game logic from the main project folder to the new project
folder, and add it to the Times Table Game project. Then, remove the file from the Times
Table App project.
Create and Edit Projects Programmatically