MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

transposed =
digraph with properties:

Edges: [6×1 table]
Nodes: [10×1 table]

impacted = bfsearch(transposed,which('source/timestable.mlapp'))

impacted = 2×1 cell array
{'C:\MATLAB\Projects\examples\TimesTableApp1\source\timestable.mlapp' }

Get information on the project files, such as the number of dependencies and orphans.

averageNumDependencies = mean(outdegree(g));
numberOfOrphans = sum(indegree(g)+outdegree(g)==0);

Change the sort order of the dependency graph to show project changes from the bottom

ordered = g.Nodes.Name(flip(toposort(g)));

You can view the same dependency analysis graph in the Impact View of the project. To
plot the graph, save the impact view to an image file.

Query Shortcuts

You can use shortcuts to save frequent tasks and frequently accessed files, or to automate
startup and shutdown tasks.

Get the Times Table App project shortcuts.

shortcuts = mainProject.Shortcuts

shortcuts =
1×4 Shortcut array with properties:


Examine a shortcut in the list.

Create and Edit Projects Programmatically
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