MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

ans =
Shortcut with properties:

Name: "Requirements"
Group: "Documentation"
File: "C:\MATLAB\Projects\examples\TimesTableApp1\utilities\openRequirementsDocument.m"

Get the file path of a shortcut.


ans =

Examine all the files in the shortcuts list.


ans = 4×1 cell array
{["C:\MATLAB\Projects\examples\TimesTableApp1\source\timestable.mlapp" ]}
{["C:\MATLAB\Projects\examples\TimesTableApp1\utilities\runTheseTests.m" ]}
{["C:\MATLAB\Projects\examples\TimesTableApp1\utilities\runTimesTable.m" ]}

Label files

Create a new category of labels of type char. In the Times Table App project, the new
Engineers category appears in the Labels pane.


ans =
Category with properties:

Name: "Engineers"
SingleValued: 0
DataType: "char"
LabelDefinitions: [1×0 matlab.project.LabelDefinition]

Define a new label in the new category.

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