MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

category = findCategory(mainProject,'Engineers');

Get the label definition object for the new label.

ld = findLabel(category,'Bob')

ld =
LabelDefinition with properties:

Name: "Bob"
CategoryName: "Engineers"

Attach a label to a project file. If you select the file in the Times Table App project, you
can see this label in the Label Editor pane.

myfile = findFile(mainProject,"source/timestable.mlapp");

Get a particular label and attach text data to it.

label = findLabel(myfile,'Engineers','Bob');
label.Data = 'Email: [email protected]'

label =
Label with properties:

File: "C:\MATLAB\Projects\examples\TimesTableApp1\source\timestable.mlapp"
DataType: 'char'
Data: 'Email: [email protected]'
Name: "Bob"
CategoryName: "Engineers"

Retrieve the label data and store it in a variable.

mydata = label.Data

mydata =
'Email: [email protected]'

Create a new label category with data type double, the type MATLAB commonly uses for
numeric data.

Create and Edit Projects Programmatically
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