Add Folder to Project
Create a new folder and add it to the project path. Adding a project folder to the project
path ensures that all users of the project can access the files within it.
(^1) Select the Files view.
(^2) Right-click in white space and then select New > Folder. Enter a name for the folder.
The folder is automatically added to the project.
(^3) Right-click the new folder and select Project Path > Add to the Project Path
(Including Subfolders).
Review Changes in Modified Files
Open files, make changes, and review the changes.
(^1) Select the Files view. View folders using the tree layout, and then expand the
utilities folder.
(^2) Right-click source/timesTableGame.m and select Open.
(^3) Make a change in the Editor, such as adding a comment, and save the file.
(^4) In the Files view, select the Modified (number of files) tab. After editing the
file, you see Modified (2). The file you changed appears in the list.
5 To review changes, right-click source/timesTableGame.m in the Modified files
view and select Compare > Compare to Ancestor. The MATLAB Comparison Tool
opens a report comparing the modified version of the file in your sandbox to its
ancestor stored in version control. The comparison report type can differ depending
on the file you select. If you select a Simulink® model to compare, this command
runs a Simulink model comparison.
- Note - When you open the Times Table App example project, the project shows a
modified file in the resources folder. This is a side effect of opening the example project.
When editing files in your own projects, only changes that affect file metadata, such as
adding a label to a file, create modified files in the resources folder.
Analyze Dependencies
To check that all required files are in the project, run a file dependency analysis on the
modified files.
(^1) In the Views pane, select Dependency Analysis.
Explore an Example Project