MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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(^2) Click Save Merged File to save the file in your sandbox. To resolve conflicts, save
the merged file over the conflicted file.
(^3) If you want to inspect the files in the editor, click the line number links in the report.
NoteIf you make any further changes in the editor, the comparison report does not
update to reflect changes and report links can become incorrect.
(^4) When you have resolved the changes mark them as conflict resolved. Right-click the
file in the Current Folder browser and select Source Control > Mark Conflict
Extract Conflict Markers

  • “What Are Conflict Markers?” on page 32-13

  • “Extract Conflict Markers” on page 32-14

What Are Conflict Markers?

Source control tools can insert conflict markers in files that you have not registered as
binary (e.g., text files). You can use MATLAB to extract the conflict markers and compare
the files causing the conflict. This process helps you to decide how to resolve the conflict.

CautionRegister files with source control tools to prevent them from inserting conflict
markers and corrupting files. See “Register Binary Files with SVN” on page 32-18 or
“Register Binary Files with Git” on page 32-32. If your files already contains conflict
markers, the MATLAB tools can help you to resolve the conflict.

Conflict markers have the following form:

<<<<<<<["mine" file descriptor]
["mine" file content]

["theirs" file content]
<<<<<<<["theirs" file descriptor]

If you try to open a file containing conflict markers, the Conflict Markers Found dialog
box opens. Follow the prompts to fix the file by extracting the conflict markers. After you
extract the conflict markers, resolve the conflicts as described in “Examining and
Resolving Conflicts” on page 32-11.

Resolve Source Control Conflicts
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