MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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Set Up SVN Source Control

MATLAB provides built-in SVN integration for use with Subversion (SVN) sandboxes and
repositories. Because the implementation is built in to MATLAB, you do not need to install
SVN. The built-in SVN integration supports secure logins. This integration ignores any
existing SVN installation.

In this section...
“SVN Source Control Options” on page 32-17
“Register Binary Files with SVN” on page 32-18
“Standard Repository Structure” on page 32-21
“Tag Versions of Files” on page 32-21
“Enforce Locking Files Before Editing” on page 32-21
“Share a Subversion Repository” on page 32-22

SVN Source Control Options

To use the version of SVN provided with MATLAB, when you retrieve a file from source
control, select SVN in the Source control integration list. For instructions, see “Check
Out from SVN Repository” on page 32-24. When you create a new sandbox using the
MATLAB built-in SVN integration, the new sandbox uses the latest version of SVN
provided by MATLAB.

CautionBefore using source control, you must register binary files with the source
control tools to avoid corruption. See “Register Binary Files with SVN” on page 32-18.

If you need to use a version of SVN other than the built-in version, you can create a
repository using the Command-Line SVN Integration (compatibility mode)
Source control integration option, but you must also install a command-line SVN client.

Command-line SVN integration communicates with any Subversion (SVN) client that
supports the command-line interface. With Command-Line SVN Integration
(compatibility mode), if you try to rename a file or folder to a name that contains an
@ character, an error occurs because command-line SVN treats all characters after the @
symbol as a peg revision value.

Set Up SVN Source Control
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