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Update Git File Status and Revision

In this section...
“Refresh Status of Files” on page 32-38
“Update Revisions of Files” on page 32-38

Refresh Status of Files

To refresh the source control status of files, select one or more files in the Current Folder
browser, right-click and select Source Control > Refresh Git status.

To refresh the status of all files in the repository, right-click the white space of the
Current Folder browser and select Source Control > Refresh Git status.

Update Revisions of Files

To update all files in a repository, right-click in the Current Folder browser and select
Source Control > Pull.

CautionEnsure you have registered binary files with Git before using Pull. If you do not,
conflict markers can corrupt your files. For more information, see “Register Binary Files
with Git” on page 32-32.

Pull fetches the latest changes and merges them into your current branch. If you are not
sure what is going to come in from the repository, use fetch to examine the changes first
and then merge the changes manually. For more information, see “Pull, Push and Fetch
Files with Git” on page 32-45.

Pull might fail if you have conflicts. With a complicated change you might want to create a
branch from the origin, make some compatibility changes, then merge that branch into
the main tracking branch.

32 Source Control Interface

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