MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

26 26

ans =

35 35

ans =

57 57

For another example, capture pairs of matching HTML tags (e.g., and ) and the
text between them. The expression used for this example is

expr = '<(\w+).?>.?</\1>';

The first part of the expression, '<(\w+)', matches an opening angle bracket (<)
followed by one or more alphabetic, numeric, or underscore characters. The enclosing
parentheses capture token characters following the opening angle bracket.

The second part of the expression, '.?>.?', matches the remainder of this HTML tag
(characters up to the >), and any characters that may precede the next opening angle

The last part, '</\1>', matches all characters in the ending HTML tag. This tag is
composed of the sequence , where tag is whatever characters were captured as a

hstr = '<!comment>Default
expr = '<(\w+).?>.?</\1>';

[mat,tok] = regexp(hstr, expr, 'match', 'tokens');

ans =


ans =


Tokens in Regular Expressions
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