MSSCCI Source Control Interface
NoteMSSCCI support has been removed. Replace this functionality with one of the
following options.
- Use a source control system that is part of the MathWorks “Source Control
Integration” with the Current Folder browser. - Use the Source Control Software Development Kit to create a plug-in for your source
control. - Use the MATLAB system function to access the command-line API for your source
control tool. This option does not provide integration with the MATLAB Current Folder
browser menus or source control status column.
If you use source control systems to manage your files, you can interface with the systems
to perform source control actions from within the MATLAB, Simulink, and Stateflow
products. Use menu items in the MATLAB, Simulink, or Stateflow products, or run
functions in the MATLAB Command Window to interface with your source control
The source control interface on Windows works with any source control system that
conforms to the Microsoft Common Source Control standard, Version 1.1. If your source
control system does not conform to the standard, use a Microsoft Source Code Control
API wrapper product for your source control system so that you can interface with it from
the MATLAB, Simulink, and Stateflow products.
This documentation uses the Microsoft Visual SourceSafe® software as an example. Your
source control system might use different terminology and not support the same options
or might use them in a different way. Regardless, you should be able to perform similar
actions with your source control system based on this documentation.
Perform most source control interface actions from the Current Folder browser. You can
also perform many of these actions for a single file from the MATLAB Editor, a Simulink
model window, or a Stateflow chart window—for more information, see “Access MSSCCI
Source Control from Editors” on page 32-71.
MSSCCI Source Control Interface