MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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MATLAB remembers preferences between sessions, so you only need to perform this
action again when you want to access a different source control system.

Source Control with 64-Bit Versions of MATLAB

If you run a 64-bit version of MATLAB and want MATLAB to interface with your source
control system, your source control system must be 64-bit compliant. If you have a 32-bit
source control system, or if you have a 64-bit source control system running in 32-bit
compatibility mode, MATLAB cannot use it. In that event, MATLAB displays a warning
about the problem in the Source Control preference pane.

Register Source Control Project with MATLAB Software

Register a source control system project with a folder in MATLAB, that is, associate a
source control system project with a folder and all files in that folder. Do this only one
time for any file in the folder, which registers all files in that folder:

1 In the MATLAB Current Folder browser, select a file that is in the folder you want to
associate with a project in your source control system. For example, select
D:\my_thesis_files\wind.m. This will associate all files in the
my_thesis_files folder.
2 Right-click, and from the context menu, select Source Control > Register
Name_of_Source_Control_System Project with MATLAB. The

Set Up MSSCCI Source Control
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