MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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If a file contains unsaved changes when you try to check it in, you will be prompted to
save the changes to complete the checkin. If you did not keep the file checked out and
you keep the file open, note that it is a read-only version.

Check Files Out of Source Control

From MATLAB, to check out the files you want to modify, perform these steps:

1 In the Current Folder browser, select the files to check out.
2 Right-click, and from the context menu, select Source Control > Check Out.
3 The resulting Check out file(s) dialog box lists files you selected to check out. Enter
comment text in the Comments field, which appears if your source control system
supports comments on checkout. Click OK.

After checking out a file, make changes to it in MATLAB or another product, and save the
file. For example, edit a file in the Editor.

If you try to change a file without first having checked it out, the file is read-only, as seen
in the title bar, and you will not be able to save any changes. This protects you from
accidentally overwriting the source control version of the file.

If you end the MATLAB session, the file remains checked out. You can check in the file
from within MATLAB during a later session, or folder from your source control system.

32 Source Control Interface

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