Comparing the Working Copy of a File to the Latest Version in
Source Control
You can compare the current working copy of a file with the latest checked-in version of
the file in the source control system. This highlights the differences between the two files,
showing the changes you made since you checked out the file.
To view the differences, follow these steps:
1 In the MATLAB Current Folder browser, select the file for which you want to view
differences. This is a file that has been checked out and edited.
2 Right-click, and from the context menu, select Source Control > Differences.
A dialog box, which is specific to your source control system, opens. For Microsoft
Visual SourceSafe, the Difference Options dialog box opens.
3 Review the default entries in the dialog box, make any needed changes, and click OK.
The following example is for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
Additional MSSCCI Source Control Actions