MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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The registry key refers to another registry key that is similar to


This registry key has a path to a DLL-file in the file system. Make sure the DLL-file exists
in that location. If you are not familiar with registry keys, ask your system administrator
for help.

If this does not solve the problem and you use Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, try running a
client setup for your source control application. When SourceSafe is installed on a server
for a group to use, each machine client can run a setup but is not required to do so.
However, some applications that interface with SourceSafe, including MATLAB, require
you to run the client setup. Run the client setup, which should resolve the problem.

If the problem persists, access source control outside of MATLAB.

Restriction Against @ Character

Some source control systems, such as Perforce and Synergy™, reserve the @ character.
Perforce, for example, uses it as a revision specifier. Therefore, you might experience
problems if you use these source control systems with MATLAB files and folders that
include the @ character in the folder or file name.

You might be able to work around this restriction by quoting nonstandard characters in
file names, such as with an escape sequence, which some source control systems allow.
Consult your source control system documentation or technical support resources for a

Add to Source Control Is the Only Action Available

To use source control features for a file in the Simulink or Stateflow products, the file's
source control project must first be registered with MATLAB. When a file's source control
project is not registered with MATLAB, all MATLAB > General > Source Control menu
items on the Preferences dialog box are disabled except Add to Source Control. You can
select Add to Source Control, which registers the project with MATLAB, or you can
register the project using the Current Folder browser, as described in “Register Source
Control Project with MATLAB Software” on page 32-57. You can then perform source
control actions for all files in that project (folder).

Troubleshoot MSSCCI Source Control Problems
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