MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Write Script-Based Test Using Local Functions

This example shows how to write a script-based test that uses local functions as helper
functions. The example function approximates the sine and cosine of an angle. The script-
based test checks the approximation using local functions to check for equality within a

Create approxSinCos Function to Test

Create this function in a file, approxSinCos.m, in your current MATLAB folder. This
function takes an angle in radians and approximates the sine and cosine of the angle
using Taylor series.

function [sinA,cosA] = approxSinCos(x)
% For a given angle in radians, approximate the sine and cosine of the angle
% using Taylor series.
sinA = x;
cosA = 1;
altSign = -1;
for n = 3:2:26
sinA = sinA + altSign*(x^n)/factorial(n);
cosA = cosA + altSign*(x^(n-1))/factorial(n-1);
altSign = -altSign;

Create Test Script

In your current MATLAB folder, create a new script, approxSinCosTest.m.

Note: Including functions in scripts requires MATLAB® R2016b or later.

%% Test 0rad
% Test expected values of 0
[sinApprox,cosApprox] = approxSinCos(0);

%% Test 2pi
% Test expected values of 2pi
[sinApprox,cosApprox] = approxSinCos(2*pi);

Write Script-Based Test Using Local Functions
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