results = runtests({'ExampleTagTest','ExampleTagClassTest'},'Tag','FeatureA');
Running ExampleTagTest
Done ExampleTagTest
Running ExampleTagClassTest
Done ExampleTagClassTest
runtests selected and ran three tests.
Display the results in a table.
ans =
3×6 table
Name Passed Failed Incomplete Duration Details
'ExampleTagTest/testE' true false false 0.00039529 [1×1 struct]
'ExampleTagTest/testD' true false false 0.00045658 [1×1 struct]
'ExampleTagClassTest/testH' true false false 0.00043899 [1×1 struct]
The selected tests are testE and testD from ExampleTagTest, and testH from
Select Tests Using TestSuite Methods
Create a suite of tests from the ExampleTagTest class that are tagged with
import matlab.unittest.TestSuite
sA = TestSuite.fromClass(?ExampleTagTest,'Tag','FeatureA');
Create a suite of tests from the ExampleTagClassTest class that are tagged with
sB = TestSuite.fromFile('ExampleTagClassTest.m','Tag','FeatureC');
Concatenate the suite and view the names of the tests.
Tag Unit Tests