Overview of Performance Testing Framework
In this section...
“Determine Bounds of Measured Code” on page 33-178
“Types of Time Experiments” on page 33-179
“Write Performance Tests with Measurement Boundaries” on page 33-180
“Run Performance Tests” on page 33-181
“Understand Invalid Test Results” on page 33-181
The performance test interface leverages the script, function, and class-based unit testing
interfaces. You can perform qualifications within your performance tests to ensure correct
functional behavior while measuring code performance. Also, you can run your
performance tests as standard regression tests to ensure that code changes do not break
performance tests.
Determine Bounds of Measured Code
This table indicates what code is measured for the different types of tests.
Type of Test What Is Measured What Is Excluded
Script-based Code in each section of the
- Code in the shared
variables section - Measured estimate of the
framework overhead
Function-based Code in each test function • Code in the following
functions: setup,
setupOnce, teardown,
and teardownOnce - Measured estimate of the
framework overhead
33 Unit Testing