preallocationTest/testIndexingOnLHS 4 0.061333
preallocationTest/testForLoop 4 0.95081
Change Statistical Objectives and Rerun Tests
Change the statistical objectives defined by the runperf function by constructing and
running a time experiment. Construct a time experiment with measurements that reach a
sample mean with an 8% relative margin of error within a 97% confidence level.
Construct an explicit test suite.
suite = testsuite('preallocationTest');
Construct a time experiment with a variable number of sample measurements, and run
the tests.
import matlab.perftest.TimeExperiment
experiment = TimeExperiment.limitingSamplingError('NumWarmups',2,...
'RelativeMarginOfError',0.08, 'ConfidenceLevel', 0.97);
resultsTE = run(experiment,suite);
Running preallocationTest
.......... .......... ....
Done preallocationTest
Compute the statistics for all the test elements.
fullTableTE = vertcat(resultsTE.Samples);
summaryStatsTE = varfun(@mean,fullTableTE,...
summaryStatsTE =
4×3 table
Name GroupCount mean_MeasuredTime
preallocationTest/testOnes 4 0.053506
preallocationTest/testIndexingWithVariable 4 0.19304
preallocationTest/testIndexingOnLHS 4 0.060781
Test Performance Using Scripts or Functions