Qualify Mock Method Interaction
Since the mock records interactions sent to it, you can qualify that a mock method was
called. Roll one die.
val = mock.roll(1);
Verify that the roll method was called with 1 die.
Interactive verification passed.
Verify that the roll method was called with 3 dice. This test fails.
testCase.verifyCalled(behaviorObj.roll(3), ...
'roll method should have been called with input 3.')
Interactive verification failed.
Test Diagnostic:
roll method should have been called with input 3.
Framework Diagnostic:
verifyCalled failed.
--> Method 'roll' was not called with the specified signature.
--> Observed method call(s) with any signature:
out = roll([1×1 matlab.mock.classes.Mock], 1)
Specified method call:
[...] = roll(
Verify that the roll method was not called with 2 dice.
Interactive verification passed.
Qualify Mock Object Interaction