What You Cannot Change While Your System Is Running
The first call to a System object initializes and runs the object. When a System object has
started processing data, you cannot change nontunable properties.
Depending on the System object, additional specifications might also be restricted:
- Input size
- Input complexity
- Input data type
- Tunable property data types
- Discrete state data types
If the System object author has restricted these specifications, you get an error if you try
to change them while the System object is in use.
Reconfiguring Objects
Change Properties
When a System object has started processing data, you cannot change nontunable
properties. You can use isLocked on any System object to verify whether the object is
processing data. When processing is complete, you can use the release function to
release resources and allow changes to nontunable properties.
Some object properties are tunable, which enables you to change them even if the object
is in use. Most System object properties are nontunable. Refer to the object’s reference
page to determine whether an individual property is tunable.
Change Input Complexity, Dimensions, or Data Type
During object usage, after you have called the algorithm, some System objects do not
allow changes in input complexity, size, or data type. If the System object restricts these
specifications, you can call release to change these specifications. Calling release also
resets other aspects of the System object, such as states and Discrete states.
Change a Tunable Property in Your System
This example shows how to change the filter type to a high-pass filter as the code is
running by modifying the Numerator property of the filter object. The change takes
effect the next time the object is called.
System Design in MATLAB Using System Objects