Initialize Properties and Setup One-Time Calculations
This example shows how to write code to initialize and set up a System object.
In this example, you allocate file resources by opening the file so the System object can
write to that file. You do these initialization tasks one time during setup, rather than every
time you run the object.
Define Public Properties to Initialize
In this example, you define the public Filename property and specify the value of that
property as the nontunable character vector, default.bin. Users cannot change
nontunable properties after the setup method has been called.
properties (Nontunable)
Filename = "default.bin"
Define Private Properties to Initialize
Users cannot access private properties directly, but only through methods of the System
object. In this example, you define the pFileID property as a private property. You also
define this property as hidden to indicate it is an internal property that never displays to
the user.
properties (Hidden,Access = private)
Define Setup
You use the setupImpl method to perform setup and initialization tasks. You should
include code in the setupImpl method that you want to execute one time only. The
setupImpl method is called once the first time you run the object. In this example, you
allocate file resources by opening the file for writing binary data.
function setupImpl(obj)
obj.pFileID = fopen(obj.Filename,"wb");
if obj.pFileID < 0
error("Opening the file failed");
Initialize Properties and Setup One-Time Calculations