Running the Object or step Call Sequence
When you run a System object in MATLAB, either by calling the object as a function or
calling step, this sequence of methods is called:
1 If the System object is not in use (object was just created or was released),
a release on page 34-62
b setup on page 34-63
c reset on page 34-64
Else, if the object is in use (object was called and release was not called)
a If tunable properties have changed
i validatePropertiesImpl
ii processTunedPropertiesImpl
b If the input size, data type, or complexity has changed
i validateInputsImpl
ii processInputSpecificationChangeImpl
reset Call Sequence
When reset is called, these actions are performed.
(^1) If the object is in use (object was called and not released), call resetImpl
release Call Sequence
When release is called, these actions are performed.
(^1) If the object is in use (object was called and not released), call releaseImpl
See Also
releaseImpl | resetImpl | setupImpl | stepImpl
34 System object Usage and Authoring