- Syntax Basics
- Continue Long Statements on Multiple Lines.......... 1-
- Call Functions................................... 1-
- Ignore Function Outputs 1-
- Variable Names.................................. 1-
- Valid Names.................................. 1-
- Conflicts with Function Names.................... 1-
- Case and Space Sensitivity......................... 1-
- Command vs. Function Syntax 1-
- Command and Function Syntaxes 1-
- Avoid Common Syntax Mistakes.................. 1-
- How MATLAB Recognizes Command Syntax......... 1-
- Common Errors When Calling Functions 1-
- Conflicting Function and Variable Names........... 1-
- Undefined Functions or Variables................. 1-
- Program Components
- MATLAB Operators and Special Characters 2-
- Arithmetic Operators 2-
- Relational Operators 2-
- Logical Operators 2-
- Special Characters............................. 2-
- String and Character Formatting................. 2-
- Array vs. Matrix Operations 2-
- Introduction................................. 2-
- Array Operations............................. 2-
- Matrix Operations............................ 2-
- Compatible Array Sizes for Basic Operations 2-
- Inputs with Compatible Sizes.................... 2-
- Inputs with Incompatible Sizes 2-
- Examples................................... 2-
- Array Comparison with Relational Operators......... 2-
- Array Comparison 2-
- Logic Statements............................. 2-
- Operator Precedence............................. 2-
- Precedence of AND and OR Operators............. 2-
- Overriding Default Precedence................... 2-
- Average Similar Data Points Using a Tolerance....... 2-
- Group Scattered Data Using a Tolerance............. 2-
- Conditional Statements 2-
- Loop Control Statements 2-
- Regular Expressions 2-
- What Is a Regular Expression? 2-
- Steps for Building Expressions 2-
- Operators and Characters 2-
- MATLAB Operators and Special Characters 2-
- Lookahead Assertions in Regular Expressions 2-
- Lookahead Assertions 2-
- Overlapping Matches.......................... 2-
- Logical AND Conditions........................ 2-
- Tokens in Regular Expressions..................... 2-
- Introduction................................. 2-
- Multiple Tokens.............................. 2-
- Unmatched Tokens 2-
- Tokens in Replacement Text..................... 2-
- Named Capture.............................. 2-
- Dynamic Regular Expressions 2-
- Introduction................................. 2-
- Dynamic Match Expressions — (??expr) 2-
- 2- Commands That Modify the Match Expression — (??@cmd)
- 2- Commands That Serve a Functional Purpose — (?@cmd)
- Commands in Replacement Expressions — ${cmd}... 2-
- Comma-Separated Lists.......................... 2-
- What Is a Comma-Separated List?................ 2-
- Generating a Comma-Separated List............... 2-
- Assigning Output from a Comma-Separated List...... 2-
- Assigning to a Comma-Separated List 2-
- How to Use the Comma-Separated Lists............ 2-
- Fast Fourier Transform Example.................. 2-
- Alternatives to the eval Function 2-
- Why Avoid the eval Function?.................... 2-
- Variables with Sequential Names 2-
- Files with Sequential Names..................... 2-
- Function Names in Variables.................... 2-
- Field Names in Variables....................... 2-
- Error Handling............................... 2-
- Overview of MATLAB Classes
- Fundamental MATLAB Classes 3-
- Numeric Classes
- Integers 4-
- Integer Classes................................ 4-
- Creating Integer Data........................... 4-
- Arithmetic Operations on Integer Classes............ 4-
- Largest and Smallest Values for Integer Classes....... 4-
- Floating-Point Numbers........................... 4-
- Double-Precision Floating Point................... 4-
- Single-Precision Floating Point.................... 4-
- Creating Floating-Point Data...................... 4-
- Arithmetic Operations on Floating-Point Numbers..... 4-
- 4- Largest and Smallest Values for Floating-Point Classes
- Accuracy of Floating-Point Data 4-
- 4- Avoiding Common Problems with Floating-Point Arithmetic
- Complex Numbers............................... 4-
- Creating Complex Numbers..................... 4-
- Infinity and NaN................................ 4-
- Infinity..................................... 4-
- NaN 4-
- Identifying Numeric Classes....................... 4-
- Display Format for Numeric Values................. 4-
- Default Display 4-
- Display Format Examples....................... 4-
- Setting Numeric Format in a Program............. 4-
- Integers 4-
- The Logical Class
- Find Array Elements That Meet a Condition........... 5-
- Determine if Arrays Are Logical..................... 5-
- Identify Logical Matrix.......................... 5-
- Test an Entire Array............................ 5-
- Test Each Array Element........................ 5-
- Summary Table 5-
- Reduce Logical Arrays to Single Value.............. 5-
- Truth Table for Logical Operations 5-
- Characters and Strings
- Represent Text with Character and String Arrays...... 6-
- Create Character Arrays 6-
- Create Character Vector......................... 6-
- Create Rectangular Character Array................ 6-
- Identify Characters............................. 6-
- Work with Space Characters..................... 6-
- Expand Character Arrays 6-
- Create String Arrays............................. 6-
- Cell Arrays of Character Vectors................... 6-
- Convert to Cell Array of Character Vectors.......... 6-
- Functions for Cell Arrays of Character Vectors....... 6-
- Analyze Text Data with String Arrays................ 6-
- Test for Empty Strings and Missing Values........... 6-
- Formatting Text 6-
- Fields of the Formatting Operator................. 6-
- Setting Field Width and Precision................. 6-
- Restrictions on Using Identifiers.................. 6-
- Compare Text 6-
- Search and Replace Text.......................... 6-
- Convert from Numeric Values to Character Array..... 6-
- Function Summary 6-
- Convert Numbers to Character Codes.............. 6-
- Represent Numbers as Text..................... 6-
- Convert to Specific Radix....................... 6-
- Convert from Character Arrays to Numeric Values.... 6-
- Function Summary 6-
- Convert from Character Code.................... 6-
- Convert Text that Represents Numeric Values........ 6-
- Convert from Specific Radix..................... 6-
- Frequently Asked Questions About String Arrays...... 6-
- Error?................................... 6- Why Does Using Command Form With Strings Return An
- Why Do Strings in Cell Arrays Return an Error?...... 6-
- Why Does length() of String Return 1? 6-
- Why Does isempty("") Return 0? 6-
- Return Multiple Strings?..................... 6- Why Does Appending Strings Using Square Brackets
- Update Your Code to Accept Strings................ 6-
- What Are String Arrays? 6-
- 6- Recommended Approaches for String Adoption in Old APIs
- How to Adopt String Arrays in Old APIs............ 6-
- Code 6- Recommended Approaches for String Adoption in New
- How to Maintain Compatibility in New Code......... 6-
- How to Manually Convert Input Arguments......... 6-
- How to Check Argument Data Types............... 6-
- Terminology for Character and String Arrays........ 6-
- Function Summary.............................. 6-
- What Are String Arrays? 6-
- Dates and Time
- Represent Dates and Times in MATLAB.............. 7-
- Specify Time Zones............................... 7-
- Convert Date and Time to Julian Date or POSIX Time 7-
- Set Date and Time Display Format.................. 7-
- Formats for Individual Date and Duration Arrays 7-
- datetime Display Format........................ 7-
- duration Display Format 7-
- calendarDuration Display Format................. 7-
- Default datetime Format........................ 7-
- Generate Sequence of Dates and Time.............. 7-
- Endpoints with Step Size..................... 7- Sequence of Datetime or Duration Values Between
- Dates.................................... 7- Add Duration or Calendar Duration to Create Sequence of
- Sequence................................. 7- Specify Length and Endpoints of Date or Duration
- Sequence of Datetime Values Using Calendar Rules 7-
- Share Code and Data Across Locales................ 7-
- Write Locale-Independent Date and Time Code....... 7-
- Write Dates in Other Languages 7-
- Read Dates in Other Languages.................. 7-
- Array........................................ 7- Extract or Assign Date and Time Components of Datetime
- Combine Date and Time from Separate Variables 7-
- Date and Time Arithmetic......................... 7-
- Compare Dates and Time 7-
- Plot Dates and Durations......................... 7-
- Line Plot with Dates........................... 7-
- Line Plot with Durations 7-
- Scatter Plot with Dates and Durations............. 7-
- Plots that Support Dates and Durations............ 7-
- Core Functions Supporting Date and Time Arrays 7-
- 7- Convert Between Datetime Arrays, Numbers, and Text
- Overview................................... 7-
- Convert Between Datetime and Character Vectors.... 7-
- Convert Between Datetime and String Arrays........ 7-
- Convert Between Datetime and Date Vectors........ 7-
- Convert Serial Date Numbers to Datetime 7-
- Convert Datetime Arrays to Numeric Values......... 7-
- 7- Convert Between Datetime Arrays, Numbers, and Text
- Carryover in Date Vectors and Strings............... 7-
- Converting Date Vector Returns Unexpected Output... 7-
- Categorical Arrays
- Create Categorical Arrays 8-
- Convert Text in Table Variables to Categorical......... 8-
- Plot Categorical Data 8-
- Compare Categorical Array Elements 8-
- Combine Categorical Arrays....................... 8-
- Combine Categorical Arrays Using Multiplication..... 8-
- Access Data Using Categorical Arrays............... 8-
- Select Data By Category........................ 8-
- 8- Common Ways to Access Data Using Categorical Arrays
- Select Data By Category........................ 8-
- Work with Protected Categorical Arrays 8-
- Advantages of Using Categorical Arrays............. 8-
- Natural Representation of Categorical Data......... 8-
- Mathematical Ordering for Character Vectors........ 8-
- Reduce Memory Requirements................... 8-
- Ordinal Categorical Arrays........................ 8-
- Order of Categories........................... 8-
- How to Create Ordinal Categorical Arrays 8-
- Working with Ordinal Categorical Arrays........... 8-
- Core Functions Supporting Categorical Arrays 8-
- Tables
- Create and Work with Tables....................... 9-
- Add and Delete Table Rows........................ 9-
- Add, Delete, and Rearrange Table Variables.......... 9-
- Clean Messy and Missing Data in Tables............. 9-
- Modify Units, Descriptions, and Table Variable Names. 9-
- Add Custom Properties to Tables and Timetables..... 9-
- Access Data in a Table............................ 9-
- Ways to Index into a Table...................... 9-
- Create Table from Subset of Larger Table........... 9-
- Create Array from the Contents of Table............ 9-
- Calculations on Tables........................... 9-
- Create Structure Array........................... 11-
- Access Data in a Structure Array................... 11-
- Concatenate Structures......................... 11-
- Generate Field Names from Variables.............. 11-
- Access Data in Nested Structures................. 11-
- Access Elements of a Nonscalar Struct Array 11-
- Ways to Organize Data in Structure Arrays.......... 11-
- Plane Organization........................... 11-
- Element-by-Element Organization............... 11-
- Memory Requirements for Structure Array 11-
- Cell Arrays
- What Is a Cell Array?............................. 12-
- Create Cell Array................................ 12-
- Access Data in Cell Array......................... 12-
- Add Cells to Cell Array 12-
- Delete Data from Cell Array...................... 12-
- Combine Cell Arrays 12-
- Pass Contents of Cell Arrays to Functions........... 12-
- Preallocate Memory for Cell Array................. 12-
- Cell vs. Structure Arrays......................... 12-
- Multilevel Indexing to Access Parts of Cells......... 12-
- Function Handles
- Create Function Handle.......................... 13-
- What Is a Function Handle? 13-
- Creating Function Handles...................... 13-
- Anonymous Functions.......................... 13-
- Arrays of Function Handles..................... 13-
- Saving and Loading Function Handles............. 13-
- Pass Function to Another Function................. 13-
- Call Local Functions Using Function Handles........ 13-
- Compare Function Handles...................... 13-
- Create Function Handle.......................... 13-
- Map Containers
- Overview of Map Data Structure 14-
- Description of Map Class......................... 14-
- Properties of Map Class........................ 14-
- Methods of Map Class......................... 14-
- Create Map Object 14-
- Construct Empty Map Object 14-
- Construct Initialized Map Object................. 14-
- Combine Map Objects.......................... 14-
- Examine Contents of Map......................... 14-
- Read and Write Using Key Index 14-
- Read From Map............................. 14-
- Add Key/Value Pairs 14-
- Build Map with Concatenation.................. 14-
- Modify Keys and Values in Map 14-
- Remove Keys and Values from Map............... 14-
- Modify Values............................... 14-
- Modify Keys................................ 14-
- Modify Copy of Map 14-
- Map to Different Value Types..................... 14-
- Map to Structure Array 14-
- Map to Cell Array 14-
- Combining Unlike Classes
- Valid Combinations of Unlike Classes............... 15-
- Combining Unlike Integer Types................... 15-
- Overview................................... 15-
- Example of Combining Unlike Integer Sizes......... 15-
- Example of Combining Signed with Unsigned 15-
- Combining Integer and Noninteger Data............ 15-
- Combining Cell Arrays with Non-Cell Arrays......... 15-
- Empty Matrices................................. 15-
- Concatenation Examples.......................... 15-
- Combining Single and Double Types............... 15-
- Combining Integer and Double Types.............. 15-
- Combining Character and Double Types 15-
- Combining Logical and Double Types.............. 15-
- Using Objects
- Object Behavior................................. 16-
- Two Copy Behaviors........................... 16-
- Handle Object Copy........................... 16-
- Value Object Copy Behavior 16-
- Handle Object Copy Behavior 16-
- Testing for Handle or Value Class................. 16-
- Object Behavior................................. 16-
- Defining Your Own Classes
- Scripts
- Create Scripts.................................. 18-
- Add Comments to Programs....................... 18-
- Code Sections 18-
- Divide Your File into Code Sections 18-
- Evaluate Code Sections........................ 18-
- Navigate Among Code Sections in a File............ 18-
- Example of Evaluating Code Sections.............. 18-
- Change the Appearance of Code Sections 18-
- 18- Use Code Sections with Control Statements and Functions
- Scripts vs. Functions 18-
- Add Functions to Scripts......................... 18-
- Add Local Functions.......................... 18-
- Access Help................................ 18-
- Run Code.................................. 18-
- Add and Run Sections in Live Scripts............. 18-
- Live Scripts and Functions
- What Is a Live Script or Function?.................. 19-
- Differences with Plain Code Scripts and Functions.... 19-
- Requirements................................ 19-
- Unsupported Features......................... 19-
- Create Live Scripts in the Live Editor............... 19-
- Create Live Script............................ 19-
- Add Code 19-
- Run Code................................... 19-
- Display Output.............................. 19-
- Format Text................................ 19-
- Run Sections in Live Scripts 19-
- Divide Your File Into Sections................... 19-
- Evaluate Sections............................ 19-
- Debug Code in the Live Editor.................... 19-
- Show Output............................... 19-
- Debug Using Run to Here...................... 19-
- View Variable Value While Debugging 19-
- Pause a Running File......................... 19-
- End Debugging Session....................... 19-
- Step Into Functions.......................... 19-
- Add Breakpoints and Run...................... 19-
- Modify Figures in Live Scripts.................... 19-
- Explore Data............................... 19-
- Update Code with Figure Changes............... 19-
- Add Formatting and Annotations 19-
- Add and Modify Multiple Subplots 19-
- Save and Print Figure 19-
- What Is a Live Script or Function?.................. 19-
- Format Files in the Live Editor 19-
- Autoformatting.............................. 19-
- Insert Equations into the Live Editor 19-
- Insert Equation Interactively................... 19-
- Insert LaTeX Equation 19-
- Add Interactive Controls to a Live Script........... 19-
- Insert Controls.............................. 19-
- 19- Create Live Script with Multiple Interactive Controls
- Share Live Script............................ 19-
- Insert Controls.............................. 19-
- Create Live Functions 19-
- Create Live Function 19-
- Add Code 19-
- Add Help.................................. 19-
- Run Live Function........................... 19-
- Add Help for Live Functions 19-
- Share Live Scripts and Functions.................. 19-
- Hide Code Before Sharing..................... 19-
- Live Code File Format (.mlx) 19-
- Benefits of Live Code File Format................ 19-
- Source Control 19-
- Introduction to the Live Editor 19-
- Editor 19- Accelerate Exploratory Programming Using the Live
- Create an Interactive Narrative with the Live Editor 19-
- 19- Create Interactive Course Materials Using the Live Editor
- Create Examples Using the Live Editor............ 19-
- Create an Interactive Form Using the Live Editor... 19-
- Create a Real-time Dashboard Using the Live Editor 19-