You can create a string array with both empty and missing strings. Use the ismissing
function to determine which elements are strings with missing values. Note that the
empty string is not a missing string.
str(1) = "";
str(2) = "Gemini";
str(3) = string(missing)
str = 1x3 string array
"" "Gemini"
ans = 1x3 logical array
0 0 1
Compare a missing string to another string. The result is always 0 (false), even when
you compare a missing string to another missing string.
str = string(missing);
str == "Gemini"
ans = logical
str == string(missing)
ans = logical
Access Elements of String Array
String arrays support array operations such as indexing and reshaping. Use array
indexing to access the first row of str and all the columns.
str = ["Mercury","Gemini","Apollo";
"Skylab","Skylab B","ISS"];
Create String Arrays