Image Snapshot............................. 23-17
LaTeX Equations............................. 23-18
Hyperlinks................................. 23-20
HTML Markup.............................. 23-23
LaTeX Markup.............................. 23-24
Output Preferences for Publishing................ 23-27
How to Edit Publishing Options................. 23-27
Specify Output File........................... 23-28
Run Code During Publishing .................... 23-29
Manipulate Graphics in Publishing Output ......... 23-31
Save a Publish Setting........................ 23-36
Manage a Publish Configuration................. 23-38
Coding and Productivity Tips
Open and Save Files in the Editor.................. 24-2
Open Existing Files............................ 24-2
Save Files................................... 24-3
Check Code for Errors and Warnings................ 24-6
Automatically Check Code in the Editor — Code Analyzer
........................................ 24-6
Create a Code Analyzer Message Report .......... 24-10
Adjust Code Analyzer Message Indicators and Messages
....................................... 24-11
Understand Code Containing Suppressed Messages.. 24-14
Understand the Limitations of Code Analysis ....... 24-16
Enable MATLAB Compiler Deployment Messages.... 24-18
Improve Code Readability ........................ 24-20
Indenting Code.............................. 24-20
Right-Side Text Limit Indicator .................. 24-22
Code Folding — Expand and Collapse Code Constructs
....................................... 24-22
Code Refactoring — Automatically convert selected code to
a function................................ 24-26
xxiv Contents