MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

idx = 1×2

3 14

Create a string array that contains many names. Determine which names contain the
substring Ann. The contains function returns a logical array that has a 1 wherever str
has an element that contains Ann. To create a new string array that includes only the
matches, index into str with TF.

str = ["Rosemary Ann Jones","Peter Michael Smith","Ann Marie Young"]

str = 1x3 string array
"Rosemary Ann Jones" "Peter Michael Smith" "Ann Marie Young"

TF = contains(str,"Ann")

TF = 1x3 logical array

1 0 1

matches = str(TF)

matches = 1x2 string array
"Rosemary Ann Jones" "Ann Marie Young"

Find the strings that begin with Ann.

TF = startsWith(str,"Ann");
matches = str(TF)

matches =
"Ann Marie Young"

Similarly, the endsWith function find strings that end with a specified piece of text.

You can also use the contains, startsWith, and endsWith functions to determine
whether character vectors contains text.

chr = 'John Paul Jones'

chr =
'John Paul Jones'

Search and Replace Text
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