As an alternative, you can use the strcat function. strcat appends text whether the
input arguments are strings or character vectors.
str = strcat("Hello","World")
str = "HelloWorld"
Whether you use square brackets, plus, or strcat, you can specify an arbitrary number
of arguments. Append a space character between Hello and World.
str = "Hello" + " " + "World"
str = "Hello World"
See Also
cd | contains | copyfile | dir | isempty | length | load | plus | size | sprintf |
strcat | string | strlength
Related Examples
- “Create String Arrays” on page 6-12
- “Test for Empty Strings and Missing Values” on page 6-31
- “Compare Text” on page 6-47
- “Update Your Code to Accept Strings” on page 6-72
See Also