MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Functions to Read and Operate on Character Arrays

Function Description
eval Execute a MATLAB expression.
sscanf Read a character array under format control.

Functions to Search or Compare Character Arrays

Function Description
regexp Match regular expression on page 2-41.
strcmp Compare character arrays.
strcmpi Compare character arrays, ignoring case.
strfind Find a term within a character vector.
strncmp Compare the first N characters of character arrays.
strncmpi Compare the first N characters, ignoring case.
strtok Find a token in a character vector.
textscan Read data from a character array.

Functions to Determine Class or Content

Function Description
iscellstr Return true for a cell array of character vectors.
ischar Return true for a character array.
isletter Return true for letters of the alphabet.
isstrprop Determine if a string is of the specified category.
isspace Return true for white-space characters.

Function Summary
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