MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Functions to Convert Between Numeric and Text Data Types

Function Description
char Convert to a character array.
cellstr Convert a character array to a cell array of character vectors.
double Convert a character array to numeric codes.
int2str Represent an integer as text.
mat2str Convert a matrix to a character array you can run eval on.
num2str Represent a number as text.
str2num Convert a character vector to the number it represents.
str2double Convert a character vector to the double-precision value it

Functions to Work with Cell Arrays of Character Vectors as Sets

Function Description
intersect Set the intersection of two vectors.
ismember Detect members of a set.
setdiff Return the set difference of two vectors.
setxor Set the exclusive OR of two vectors.
union Set the union of two vectors.
unique Set the unique elements of a vector.

6 Characters and Strings

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