MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Create Custom Plugin.......................... 33-117

Write Plugin to Save Diagnostic Details ........... 33-123

Plugin to Generate Custom Test Output Format..... 33-128

Analyze Test Case Results....................... 33-132

Analyze Failed Test Results...................... 33-135

Rerun Failed Tests ............................. 33-138

Dynamically Filtered Tests ...................... 33-142
Test Methods .............................. 33-142
Method Setup and Teardown Code .............. 33-145
Class Setup and Teardown Code................ 33-147

Create Custom Constraint...................... 33-150

Create Custom Boolean Constraint............... 33-153

Create Custom Tolerance....................... 33-156

Overview of App Testing Framework.............. 33-162
App Testing............................... 33-162
Gesture Support of UI Components ............. 33-162
Write a Test for an App....................... 33-163

Write Test for App............................. 33-167

Write Test That Uses App Testing and Mocking
Frameworks................................ 33-172
Create App................................ 33-172
Test App With Manual Intervention .............. 33-173
Create Fully Automated Test.................. 33-174

Overview of Performance Testing Framework ....... 33-178
Determine Bounds of Measured Code............ 33-178
Types of Time Experiments.................... 33-179
Write Performance Tests with Measurement Boundaries
...................................... 33-180
Run Performance Tests....................... 33-181
Understand Invalid Test Results ................ 33-181

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