Define Basic System Objects......................... 34-15
Create System Object Class........................ 34-15
Define Algorithm................................ 34-15
Change the Number of Inputs........................ 34-18
Validate Property and Input Values.................... 34-22
Initialize Properties and Setup One-Time Calculations.... 34-25
Set Property Values at Construction Time .............. 34-28
Reset Algorithm and Release Resources ................ 34-30
Reset Algorithm State............................ 34-30
Release System Object Resources.................... 34-30
Define Property Attributes........................... 34-32
Hide Inactive Properties ............................. 34-36
Specify Inactive Property.......................... 34-36
Complete Class Definition File with Inactive Properties Method
........................................... 34-36
Limit Property Values to Finite List.................... 34-38
Create a Whiteboard System object .................. 34-39
Process Tuned Properties............................ 34-43
Define Composite System Objects..................... 34-45
Define Finite Source Objects......................... 34-48
Use the FiniteSource Class and Specify End of the Source. 34-48
Complete Class Definition File with Finite Source........ 34-48
Save and Load System Object......................... 34-50
Save System Object and Child Object ................. 34-50
Load System Object and Child Object................. 34-50
Complete Class Definition Files with Save and Load...... 34-51
Define System Object Information..................... 34-54
Handle Input Specification Changes................... 34-56
React to Input Specification Changes................. 34-56