MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Extract Regular Timetable Data

You can export the timetable data for use with functions to analyze data that is regularly
spaced in time. For example, the Econometrics Toolbox™ and the Signal Processing
Toolbox™ have functions you can use for further analysis on regularly spaced data.

Extract the timetable data as an array. You can use the Variables property to return the
data as an array when the table variables can be concatenated.

A = TT.Variables

A = 11×3

65.8260 0.0522 3.0385
69.3504 0.0315 2.6757
72.8747 0.0107 2.3129
69.4507 0.0278 1.9578
66.0266 0.0449 1.6027
62.5923 0.0620 1.2625
59.1579 0.0791 0.9223
64.7224 0.0462 1.8697
70.2868 0.0133 2.8171
66.2348 0.0226 3.1412

TT.Variables is equivalent to using curly brace syntax, TT{:,:}, to access all

A2 = TT{:,:}

A2 = 11×3

65.8260 0.0522 3.0385
69.3504 0.0315 2.6757
72.8747 0.0107 2.3129
69.4507 0.0278 1.9578
66.0266 0.0449 1.6027
62.5923 0.0620 1.2625
59.1579 0.0791 0.9223
64.7224 0.0462 1.8697
70.2868 0.0133 2.8171
66.2348 0.0226 3.1412

10 Timetables

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