MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

For example, you can perform an inner join two tables together, using row names and a
table variable together as key variables. An inner join keeps only those table rows that
match with respect to the key variables.

Create two tables of patient data. A table can have row names along its first dimension,
labeling the rows, but is not required to have them. Specify the last names of patients as
the row names of the tables. Add the first names of the patients as table variables.

A = table({'Michael';'Louis';'Alice';'Rosemary';'Julie'},[38;43;45;40;49],...
'VariableNames',{'FirstName' 'Age'},...
'RowNames',{'Garcia' 'Johnson' 'Wu' 'Jones' 'Picard'})

A=5×2 table
FirstName Age

Garcia 'Michael' 38
Johnson 'Louis' 43
Wu 'Alice' 45
Jones 'Rosemary' 40
Picard 'Julie' 49

B = table({'Michael';'Beverly';'Alice'},...
[122 80; 109 77; 117 75],...
'VariableNames',{'FirstName' 'Height' 'Weight' 'BloodPressure'},...
'RowNames',{'Garcia' 'Johnson' 'Wu'})

B=3×4 table
FirstName Height Weight BloodPressure

Garcia 'Michael' 64 119 122 80
Johnson 'Beverly' 69 163 109 77
Wu 'Alice' 67 133 117 75

If a table has row names, then you can index into it by row name. Indexing by row names
is a convenient way to select rows of a table. Index into B by a patient's last name to
retrieve information about the patient.


Using Row Labels in Table and Timetable Operations
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