MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Multilevel Indexing to Access Parts of Cells

This example shows techniques for accessing data in arrays stored within cells of cell

Create a sample cell array.

myNum = [1, 2, 3];
myCell = {'one', 'two'};
myStruct.Field1 = ones(3);
myStruct.Field2 = 5*ones(5);

C = {myNum, 100*myNum;
myCell, myStruct}

C = 2x2 cell array
{1x3 double} {1x3 double}
{1x2 cell } {1x1 struct}

Access the complete contents of a particular cell using curly braces, {}. For example,
return a numeric vector from the cell that contains it.


ans = 1×3

100 200 300

Access part of the contents of a cell by appending indices, using syntax that matches the
data type of the contents.

Enclose numeric indices in smooth parentheses. For example, C{1,1} returns the 1-by-3
numeric vector, [1 2 3]. Access the second element of that vector using smooth


ans = 2

Enclose cell array indices in curly braces. For example, C{2,1} returns the cell array,
{'one','two'}. Access the contents of the second cell within that cell array using curly

Multilevel Indexing to Access Parts of Cells
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