Map to Different Value Types
It is fairly common to store other classes, such as structures or cell arrays, in a Map
structure. However, Maps are most memory efficient when the data stored in them
belongs to one of the basic MATLAB types such as double, char, integers, and logicals.
Map to Structure Array
The following example maps airline seat numbers to structures that contain ticket
numbers and destinations. Start with the Map ticketMap, which maps ticket numbers to
ticketMap = containers.Map(...
{'2R175', 'B7398', 'A479GY', 'NZ1452'}, ...
{'James Enright', 'Carl Haynes', 'Sarah Latham', ...
'Bradley Reid'});
Then create the following structure array, containing ticket numbers and destinations:
s1.ticketNum = '2S185'; s1.destination = 'Barbados';
s1.reserved = '06-May-2008'; s1.origin = 'La Guardia';
s2.ticketNum = '947F4'; s2.destination = 'St. John';
s2.reserved = '14-Apr-2008'; s2.origin = 'Oakland';
s3.ticketNum = 'A479GY'; s3.destination = 'St. Lucia';
s3.reserved = '28-Mar-2008'; s3.origin = 'JFK';
s4.ticketNum = 'B7398'; s4.destination = 'Granada';
s4.reserved = '30-Apr-2008'; s4.origin = 'JFK';
s5.ticketNum = 'NZ1452'; s5.destination = 'Aruba';
s5.reserved = '01-May-2008'; s5.origin = 'Denver';
Map five seats to these structures:
seatingMap = containers.Map( ...
{'23F', '15C', '15B', '09C', '12D'}, ...
{s5, s1, s3, s4, s2});
Using this Map object, find information about the passenger who has reserved seat 09C:
ans =
ticketNum: 'B7398'
Map to Different Value Types