MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
If this function receives invalid arguments, MATLAB throws an error message and stops
the program:


Error using combinations (line 3)
Cannot choose 9 from 6 elements

Add Identifiers to Warnings and Errors

A message identifier provides a way to uniquely reference a warning or an error.

Enable or disable warnings with identifiers. Use an identifying text argument with the
warning function to attach a unique tag to a message:


For example, you can add an identifier tag to the previous MATLAB warning about which
version of software is running:

minver = '7';
if ~strncmp(version,minver,1)
warning('MYTEST:VERCHK','Running a version other than v%s',minver)

Adding an identifier to an error message allows for negative testing. However, adding and
recovering more information from errors often requires working with MException

See Also
MException | lastwarn | warndlg | warning

Related Examples

  • “Suppress Warnings” on page 26-34

  • “Restore Warnings” on page 26-37

  • “Capture Information About Exceptions” on page 26-5

  • “Exception Handling in a MATLAB Application” on page 26-2

26 Error Handling

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