Living Blue Planet Report page 30
Prawn farms in Vietnam
Aquaculture, and in particular shrimp farming, is a key economic
sector in Vietnam. It creates many jobs and generates substantial
income for the country. But shrimp farming is coming at a cost
to the environment. Both small-scale and large-scale shrimp
farms have destroyed mangrove forests, polluted groundwater
and coastal estuaries, and increased salination on agricultural
land. Intensive farming methods have also introduced pathogens,
leading to major shrimp disease outbreaks that result in
significant economic losses.
One way to reduce these negative impacts is through
certification schemes, such as the Aquaculture Stewardship
Council (ASC). Businesses that join the ASC commit to a better
way of producing farmed seafood with less impact on the
environment, stronger protection of biodiversity and water
resources, higher standards of animal health and better working
conditions. Through ASC certification, shrimp farms aim to
measurably reduce adverse impacts on the environment and
communities by preserving wetlands and mangroves, addressing
the transfer of viruses and disease, improving water quality,
feeding responsibly and addressing biodiversity issues.
WWF is helping small-scale shrimp farmers in Vietnam
to implement better management practices that reduce
negative environmental impacts and will help them achieve
ASC certification.
© Adam Oswell / WWF-Greater Mekong