234 Electrical Power Systems Technology
Chapter 6—Special Equipment
600 Electric Signs and Outline Lighting
610 Cranes and Hoists
620 Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving Walks
630 Electric Welders
640 Sound-Recording and Similar Equipment
645 Data Processing Systems
650 Organs
660 X-ray Equipment
665 Induction and Dielectric Heating Equipment
668 Electrolytic Cells
670 Metal-Working Machine Tools
675 Electrically Driven or Controlled Irrigation Machines
680 Swimming Pools, Fountains, and Similar Installations
Chapter 7—Special Conditions
700 Emergency Systems
710 Over 600 Volts, Nominal—General
720 Circuits and Equipment Operating at Less than 50 Volts
725 Class I, Class II, and Class III Remote—Control, Signaling, and Power
Limited Circuits
750 Stand-By Power Generation Systems
760 Fire Protective Signaling Systems
Chapter 8—Communications Systems
800 Communication Circuits
810 Radio and Television Equipment
820 Community Antenna Television and Radio Distribution Systems
Chapter 9—Tables and Examples
Tables 8-4 through 8-6 are used for conductor ampacity calculations for
electrical wiring design. These tables are simplified versions of those giv-
en in the NEC. Table 8-4 is used to determine conductor ampacity when
a single conductor is mounted in free air. Table 8-5 is used to find the am-
pacity of conductors when not more than three are mounted in a raceway
or cable. These two tables are based on ambient temperatures of 30° Celsius
(86° Fahrenheit). Table 8-6 lists the correction factors that are used for tem-
peratures over 30°C. As an example, we will find the ampacity of three No.
10 copper conductors with RHW insulation that are mounted in a race-