Electrical Power Systems Technology

(Elle) #1

290 Electrical Power Systems Technology


Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  1. Define the term “electrical load.”

  2. List the types and classifications of electrical loads.

  3. Explain the differences between resistive, inductive, and
    capacitive circuits.

  4. Calculate load (demand) factor and power factor.

  5. Describe power factor correction, using static capacitors or
    synchronous capacitors.

  6. Define true power, apparent power, and reactive power in AC

  7. Calculate power per phase and total power for balanced or
    unbalanced three-phase loads.

  8. Explain the differences between resistive, inductive, and
    capacitive electric loads.

  9. Describe electric resistive and arc-welding systems as electrical

  10. Describe electric heating systems and these associated terms:
    Design Temperature Difference
    Degree Days
    Thermal Resistance (R)
    Coefficient of Heat Transfer (U)
    Watts of Heat (W)

  11. Describe heat pumps and air conditioning systems.

  12. Describe the characteristics of light.

  13. Define the terms candlepower, lumen, and footcandle as they
    relate to light.

  14. Describe types of street lighting systems.

  15. Explain the characteristics of incandescent, fluorescent, and vapor

  16. Describe branch circuits used for controlling electrical lights from
    one, two, or three locations.

  17. Calculate the minimum number of branch circuits and total power
    requirements for lighting circuits in buildings.

  18. Describe the following factors that affect lighting fixture design:

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