Electrical Power Systems Technology

(Elle) #1

Electrical Power Conversion Systems 295

Sample Problem:
Given: a factory has a peak demand of 12 MW and an average power
demand of 9.86 MX.
Find: the load (demand) factor for the factory.
Avg. Demand
DF = ———————
Peak Demand

9.86 MW
= ————

DF = 0.82

The average demand of an industry or commercial building is the
average electrical power used over a specific time period. The peak de-
mand is the maximum amount of power (kW) used during that time pe-
riod. The load profile shown in Figure 11-1 shows a typical industrial de-
mand-versus-time curve for a working day. Demand peaks that far exceed
the average demand cause a decrease in the load factor ratio. Low load
factors result in an additional billing charge by the utility company.
Utility companies must design power distribution systems that take
peak demand time into account, and ensure that their generating capac-
ity will be able to meet this peak power demand. Therefore, it is inefficient
electrical design for an industry to operate at a low-load factor, since this
represents a significant difference between peak-power demand and aver-
age-power demand. Every industry should attempt to raise its load factor
to the maximum level it can. By minimizing the peak demands of indus-

Figure 11-1. Load profile for an industrial plant
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