Electrical Power Systems Technology

(Elle) #1

Chapter 12

Heating Systems

Power conversion systems are commonly referred to by the func-
tion they perform. Power conversion takes place in the load of an electri-
cal power system. Common types of power system loads are those that
convert electrical energy into heat, light, or mechanical energy. There are
various types of lighting, heating, and mechanical loads used in industry,
commercial buildings, and homes. Several of these power conversion sys-
tems will be discussed in Chapters 12, 13, and 14.


Chapter 12 deals with heating systems. After studying this chapter,
you should have an understanding of the following terms:

Resistive Heating
Induction Heating
Dielectric Heating
Electric Welding
Resistance Welding
Arc Welding
Induction Welding
SCR Contactors
Electric Heating Systems
British Thermal Units (Btus)
Design Temperature Difference
Degree Days
Thermal Resistance (R)
Coefficient of Heat Transfer (U)
Heat Pump
Air Conditioning System

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