Heating Systems 309
is produced in magnetic materials when they are exposed to an alternat-
ing current (AC) field. In the example shown, current is induced in the
material heated by electromagnetic induction. This is brought about by
the application of an AC to the heating coil. The material to be heated
must be a conductor in order for current to be induced. Ordinarily, a high-
frequency AC source in the range of 100-500 kHz is used to produce a high
heat output. This high heat output is due to greater amounts of induced
As the magnetic field created by the high-frequency AC source
moves across the material to be heated, the induced voltage causes eddy
currents (circulating currents) to flow in the material. Heat results because
of the resistance of the material to the flow of the eddy currents. The heat
is produced rapidly by this method, which is an advantage.
The major application of the induction-heating process is in metal-
working industries, for such processes as hardening, soldering, melting,
and annealing of metals. Compared to that of other methods of heating
Figure 12-1. Resistance heating principle
Figure 12-2. Induction heating principle