Electrical Power Systems Technology

(Elle) #1

Chapter 13

Lighting Systems

Electrical lighting systems are designed to create a comfortable and
safe home or working environment. There are several types of lighting
systems in use today. Among the most popular are incandescent, fluores-
cent, and vapor lights, as well as several special-purpose types of lighting.
Lighting systems are one type of electrical load.
The three types of lighting systems discussed in this chapter con-
stitute most of the lighting loads placed on electrical power systems.
Incandescent, fluorescent, and vapor lights are used for many lighting ap-
plications. However, there are a few other specialized types of lighting that
are also used. These include zirconium and xenon arc lights, glow lights,
black lights, and infrared lights. The planning involved in obtaining prop-
er lighting is quite complex and may involve several types of lights.


Chapter 13 deals with lighting systems. After studying this chapter,
you should have an understanding of the following terms:

Visible Light
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Reflection Factor Footlambert
Street Lighting
Incandescent Lighting
Fluorescent Lighting
Vapor Lighting
Lighting Circuits
Three-Way Switch

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