To calculate the VA requirements for your system, you can gather most of the infor-
mation you need from your system’s documentation or its manufacturer’s Web site. The
VA requirements for some of the components in the PC you should consider when deter-
mining this value are:
Power supply 110 to 180VA (180 to 300 watts)
Pentium processor 40VA (50 watts)
Hard disk drive 15VA (24 watts)
Motherboard 20 to 35VA (30 to 50 watts)
CD-ROM 20 to 25VA (30 to 35 watts)
Expansion cards 5 to 15VA (7 to 20 watts)
Floppy disk drive 5VA (10 watts)
A very handy tool available for sizing a UPS to your particular need is the UPS Selec-
tor on the American Power Conversion (APC) Corporation Web site
Chapter 14: Power Supply and Electrical Issues^335