College Physics

(backadmin) #1
fission fragments:

food irradiation:

free radicals:

gamma camera:

gray (Gy):

high dose:



inertial confinement:

linear hypothesis:

liquid drop model:

low dose:

magnetic confinement:

moderate dose:

neutron-induced fission:

nuclear fission:

nuclear fusion:

positron emission tomography (PET):

proton-proton cycle:

quality factor:

radiolytic products:




relative biological effectiveness (RBE):

roentgen equivalent man (rem):



single-photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT):



therapeutic ratio:

a daughter nuclei

treatment of food with ionizing radiation

ions with unstable oxygen- or hydrogen-containing molecules

another name for an Anger camera

the SI unit for radiation dose which is defined to be1 Gy = 1 J/kg = 100 rad

a dose greater than 1 Sv (100 rem)

a term used to describe generally favorable biological responses to low exposures of toxins or radiation

when a fusion reaction produces enough energy to be self-sustaining after external energy input is cut off

a technique that aims multiple lasers at tiny fuel pellets evaporating and crushing them to high density

assumption that risk is directly proportional to risk from high doses

a model of nucleus (only to understand some of its features) in which nucleons in a nucleus act like atoms in a drop

a dose less than 100 mSv (10 rem)

a technique in which charged particles are trapped in a small region because of difficulty in crossing magnetic field lines

a dose from 0.1 Sv to 1 Sv (10 to 100 rem)

fission that is initiated after the absorption of neutron

reaction in which a nucleus splits

a reaction in which two nuclei are combined, or fused, to form a larger nucleus

tomography technique that usesβ


emitters and detects the two annihilationγrays, aiding in source


the combined reactions^1 H+^1 H→^2 H+e++ve,^1 H+^2 H→^3 He+γ, and^3 He+^3 He→^4 He+^1 H+^1 H

same as relative biological effectiveness

compounds produced due to chemical reactions of free radicals

compound used for medical imaging

the use of ionizing radiation to treat ailments

the ionizing energy deposited per kilogram of tissue

a number that expresses the relative amount of damage that a fixed amount of ionizing radiation of a
given type can inflict on biological tissues

a dose unit more closely related to effects in biological tissue

a technique to limit radiation exposure

the SI equivalent of the rem

tomography performed withγ-emitting radiopharmaceuticals

an exponential increase in fissions

process of attaching a radioactive substance to a chemical compound

the ratio of abnormal cells killed to normal cells killed

Section Summary

32.1 Medical Imaging and Diagnostics

  • Radiopharmaceuticals are compounds that are used for medical imaging and therapeutics.

  • The process of attaching a radioactive substance is called tagging.

  • Table 32.1lists certain diagnostic uses of radiopharmaceuticals including the isotope and activity typically used in diagnostics.

  • One common imaging device is the Anger camera, which consists of a lead collimator, radiation detectors, and an analysis computer.

• Tomography performed withγ-emitting radiopharmaceuticals is called SPECT and has the advantages of x-ray CT scans coupled with organ-

and function-specific drugs.

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