Problems & Exercises
3.2 Vector Addition and Subtraction: Graphical Methods
Use graphical methods to solve these problems. You may assume
data taken from graphs is accurate to three digits.
1.Find the following for path A inFigure 3.54: (a) the total distance
traveled, and (b) the magnitude and direction of the displacement from
start to finish.
Figure 3.54The various lines represent paths taken by different people walking in a
city. All blocks are 120 m on a side.
2.Find the following for path B inFigure 3.54: (a) the total distance
traveled, and (b) the magnitude and direction of the displacement from
start to finish.
3.Find the north and east components of the displacement for the hikers
shown inFigure 3.52.
4.Suppose you walk 18.0 m straight west and then 25.0 m straight north.
How far are you from your starting point, and what is the compass
direction of a line connecting your starting point to your final position? (If
you represent the two legs of the walk as vector displacementsAand
B, as inFigure 3.55, then this problem asks you to find their sum
Figure 3.55The two displacementsAandBadd to give a total displacementR
having magnitudeRand directionθ.
5.Suppose you first walk 12.0 m in a direction20ºwest of north and
then 20.0 m in a direction40.0ºsouth of west. How far are you from
your starting point, and what is the compass direction of a line connecting
your starting point to your final position? (If you represent the two legs of
the walk as vector displacementsAandB, as inFigure 3.56, then this
problem finds their sumR = A + B.)
Figure 3.56
6.Repeat the problem above, but reverse the order of the two legs of the
walk; show that you get the same final result. That is, you first walk leg
B, which is 20.0 m in a direction exactly40ºsouth of west, and then
legA, which is 12.0 m in a direction exactly20ºwest of north. (This
problem shows thatA+B=B+A.)
7.(a) Repeat the problem two problems prior, but for the second leg you
walk 20.0 m in a direction40.0ºnorth of east (which is equivalent to
subtractingBfromA—that is, to findingR′ =A−B). (b) Repeat
the problem two problems prior, but now you first walk 20.0 m in a
direction40.0ºsouth of west and then 12.0 m in a direction20.0ºeast
of south (which is equivalent to subtractingAfromB—that is, to
findingR′′ =B-A= -R′). Show that this is the case.
8.Show that theorderof addition of three vectors does not affect their
sum. Show this property by choosing any three vectorsA,B, andC,
all having different lengths and directions. Find the sumA + B + C
then find their sum when added in a different order and show the result is
the same. (There are five other orders in whichA,B, andCcan be
added; choose only one.)
9.Show that the sum of the vectors discussed inExample 3.2gives the
result shown inFigure 3.24.
10.Find the magnitudes of velocitiesvAandvBinFigure 3.57
Figure 3.57The two velocitiesvAandvBadd to give a totalvtot.
11.Find the components ofvtotalong thex- andy-axes inFigure 3.57.
12.Find the components ofvtotalong a set of perpendicular axes
rotated30ºcounterclockwise relative to those inFigure 3.57.
3.3 Vector Addition and Subtraction: Analytical Methods
13.Find the following for path C inFigure 3.58: (a) the total distance
traveled and (b) the magnitude and direction of the displacement from
start to finish. In this part of the problem, explicitly show how you follow
the steps of the analytical method of vector addition.