(peak) emf, 826
RC circuit, 761
aberration, 949
aberrations, 947
absolute pressure, 370 , 390
absolute zero, 433 , 463
AC current, 713 , 724
AC voltage, 713 , 724
acceleration, 43 , 75 , 128 , 155
acceleration due to gravity, 62 , 75
accommodation, 931 , 949
Accuracy, 25
accuracy, 31
acoustic impedance , 617 , 622
active transport, 421 , 421
activity, 1131 , 1140
adaptive optics, 947 , 949
adhesive forces, 379 , 390
adiabatic, 517
adiabatic process, 542
air resistance, 101 , 114
alpha, 1114
alpha decay, 1124 , 1140
alpha rays, 1140
Alternating current, 712
alternating current, 724
ammeter, 764
ammeters, 754
ampere, 698 , 725
Ampere’s law, 796 , 801
amplitude, 557 , 581 , 864 , 878 , 879
amplitude modulation, 868
amplitude modulation (AM), 879
analog meter, 764
Analog meters, 756
analytical method, 114
Analytical methods, 95
Anger camera, 1152 , 1174
angular acceleration, 320 , 348
angular magnification, 945 , 949
angular momentum, 338 , 349
angular momentum quantum number, 1093 ,
angular velocity, 191 , 214
antielectron, 1128 , 1140
antimatter, 1126 , 1140
antinode, 577 , 581 , 606 , 622
approximation, 31
approximations, 29
arc length, 190 , 214
Archimedes’ principle, 374 , 390
astigmatism, 935 , 949
atom, 1064 , 1102
atomic de-excitation, 1082 , 1102
atomic excitation, 1082 , 1102
atomic mass, 1120 , 1140
atomic number, 1096 , 1103 , 1120 , 1140
atomic spectra, 1032 , 1055
Average Acceleration, 43
average acceleration, 76 , 75
Average speed, 41
average speed, 75
Average velocity, 40
average velocity, 75
Avogadro’s number, 446 , 463
axions, 1225 , 1230
axis of a polarizing filter, 979 , 988
B-field, 781 , 801
back emf, 828 , 850
banked curve, 214
banked curves, 198
barrier penetration, 1138 , 1140
baryon number, 1193 , 1204
Baryons, 1193
baryons, 1204
basal metabolic rate, 249 , 253
beat frequency, 578 , 582
becquerel, 1131 , 1140
Bernoulli’s equation, 403 , 421
Bernoulli’s principle, 404 , 421
beta, 1114
beta decay, 1126 , 1140
beta rays, 1140
Big Bang, 1214 , 1230
binding energy, 1034 , 1055 , 1134 , 1140
binding energy per nucleon, 1135 , 1140
bioelectricity, 719 , 725
Biot-Savart law, 796 , 801
birefringent, 985 , 988
Black holes, 1220
black holes, 1230
blackbodies, 1031
blackbody, 1055
blackbody radiation, 1031 , 1055
Bohr radius, 1075 , 1103
Boltzmann constant, 445 , 463
boson, 1191 , 1204
bottom, 1200 , 1204
bow wake, 604 , 622
break-even, 1164 , 1174
breeder reactors, 1170 , 1174
breeding, 1170 , 1174
bremsstrahlung, 1038 , 1055
Brewster’s angle, 981 , 988
Brewster’s law, 981 , 988
bridge device, 764
bridge devices, 760
Brownian motion, 1064 , 1103
buoyant force, 374 , 390
capacitance, 678 , 688 , 761 , 765
capacitive reactance, 843 , 850
capacitor, 677 , 688 , 761 , 765
capillary action, 384 , 390
carbon-14 dating, 1130 , 1140
Carnot cycle, 524 , 542
Carnot efficiency, 525 , 542
Carnot engine, 524 , 542
carrier particle, 155
carrier particles, 154
carrier wave, 868 , 879
cathode-ray tube, 1103
cathode-ray tubes, 1066
Celsius, 433
Celsius scale, 463
center of gravity, 297 , 311
center of mass, 204 , 214
centrifugal force, 200 , 214
centrifuge, 194
centripetal acceleration, 193 , 214
centripetal force, 196 , 214
change in angular velocity, 321 , 349
change in entropy, 533 , 542
change in momentum, 266 , 282
Chaos, 1226
chaos, 1230
characteristic time constant, 840 , 850
characteristic x rays, 1038 , 1055
charm, 1200 , 1204
chart of the nuclides, 1122 , 1140
chemical energy, 242 , 253
classical physics, 16 , 31
Classical relativity, 112
classical relativity, 114
classical velocity addition, 1021
coefficient of linear expansion, 438 , 464
coefficient of performance, 531 , 542
coefficient of volume expansion, 440 , 464
coherent, 960 , 988
cohesive forces, 379 , 390
Colliding beams, 1188
colliding beams, 1204
color, 1200 , 1204
color constancy, 938 , 949
commutative, 92 , 115 , 114
complexity, 1226 , 1230
component (of a 2-d vector), 114
components , 95
compound microscope, 939 , 949
Compton effect, 1042 , 1055
Conduction, 484
conduction, 497
conductor, 635 , 654
Conductors, 646
confocal microscopes, 987 , 988
conservation laws, 751 , 765
Conservation of energy, 224
conservation of mechanical energy, 236 , 253
conservation of momentum principle, 269 , 282
Conservation of total , 1193
conservation of total baryon number, 1193 ,
conservation of total electron family number,
conservation of totalLμ, 1193
conservation of total muon family number, 1204
conservative force, 235 , 253
constructive interference, 576 , 582
constructive interference for a diffraction
grating, 964 , 988
constructive interference for a double slit, 961 ,
contact angle, 383 , 390
Contrast, 985
contrast, 988
Convection, 484
convection, 497
converging (or convex) lens, 904
converging lens, 921
converging mirror, 921
conversion factor, 22 , 31
Coriolis force, 201 , 214
corner reflector, 898 , 921
correspondence principle, 1030 , 1055
cosmic microwave background, 1215 , 1230
cosmological constant, 1223 , 1230
cosmological red shift, 1214 , 1230
Cosmology, 1212
cosmology, 1230
Coulomb force, 640 , 654
Coulomb forces, 640
Coulomb interaction, 646 , 654
Coulomb’s law, 639 , 654
critical angle, 895 , 921
Critical damping, 568
critical damping, 582
critical density, 1223 , 1230
critical mass, 1168 , 1174
critical point, 456 , 464
Critical pressure, 456
1264 INDEX
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