College Physics

(backadmin) #1
Figure 7.12A toy car is pushed by a compressed spring and coasts up a slope. Assuming negligible friction, the potential energy in the spring is first completely
converted to kinetic energy, and then to a combination of kinetic and gravitational potential energy as the car rises. The details of the path are unimportant because all
forces are conservative—the car would have the same final speed if it took the alternate path shown.

The spring force and the gravitational force are conservative forces, so conservation of mechanical energy can be used. Thus,

KEi+PEi= KEf+ PEf (7.49)


1 (7.50)


mvi^2 +mghi+^1




(^2) = 1


mvf^2 +mghf+^1


kxf^2 ,

wherehis the height (vertical position) andxis the compression of the spring. This general statement looks complex but becomes much

simpler when we start considering specific situations. First, we must identify the initial and final conditions in a problem; then, we enter them into
the last equation to solve for an unknown.
Solution for (a)
This part of the problem is limited to conditions just before the car is released and just after it leaves the spring. Take the initial height to be zero,

so that bothhiandhfare zero. Furthermore, the initial speedviis zero and the final compression of the springxfis zero, and so several

terms in the conservation of mechanical energy equation are zero and it simplifies to

1 (7.51)









In other words, the initial potential energy in the spring is converted completely to kinetic energy in the absence of friction. Solving for the final
speed and entering known values yields

vf = mkxi

= 250.0 N/m

0.100 kg

(0.0400 m)

= 2.00 m/s.

Solution for (b)
One method of finding the speed at the top of the slope is to consider conditions just before the car is released and just after it reaches the top of
the slope, completely ignoring everything in between. Doing the same type of analysis to find which terms are zero, the conservation of
mechanical energy becomes

1 (7.53)


kxi^2 =^1


mvf^2 +mghf.

This form of the equation means that the spring’s initial potential energy is converted partly to gravitational potential energy and partly to kinetic

energy. The final speed at the top of the slope will be less than at the bottom. Solving forvfand substituting known values gives


vf =


m − 2ghf


250.0 N/m

0.100 kg

⎠(0.0400 m)

(^2) − 2(9.80 m/s (^2) )(0.180 m)

= 0.687 m/s.

Another way to solve this problem is to realize that the car’s kinetic energy before it goes up the slope is converted partly to potential
energy—that is, to take the final conditions in part (a) to be the initial conditions in part (b).

Note that, for conservative forces, we do not directly calculate the work they do; rather, we consider their effects through their corresponding potential
energies, just as we did inExample 7.8. Note also that we do not consider details of the path taken—only the starting and ending points are
important (as long as the path is not impossible). This assumption is usually a tremendous simplification, because the path may be complicated and
forces may vary along the way.

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