Sketch Book for the Artist

(singke) #1





WHEN MAKING A TONAL DRAWING, there are principally

two opposite methods of achieving the same result. You

can begin with outlines and build slowly from light to dark

(see opposite top), or you can begin with a mid-gray ground

and model light out of darkness (see opposite bottom).

Start by arranging a choice of shells on a sheet of paper to

your left if you are right-handed (or vice versa). It is important

to place them on the correct side so as to draw comfortably

(see pp.22-23). Illuminate them with a gooseneck lamp

placed very close and directed away from your eyes; if light

shines in them, it will inhibit your perception of tone.

Dramatic lighting emphasizes texture and contour, making

complicated or subtle surfaces easier to see and understand. It

maximizes the range of tones between black and white, and

strong contrasts are easier to draw. Remember that shadows,

beams of light, and solid objects are all of equal importance.

In the finished drawing there should be few, if any. outlines,

simply shapes and subtleties of light and dark meeting each

other with no divisions in between. Draw the largest and most

distinct areas of light and darkness first. Gradually hone your

drawing, leaving detail until last. Relaxing your eyes out of

focus as you draw will help to dissolve the distraction of detail.


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