Sketch Book for the Artist

(singke) #1



Postures and Poses

THESE DISTINCTIVE WORKS show two strikingly different ways

of modeling the body on paper. Raphael drew delicate tones

of black chalk on tinted paper, while Matisse used scissors

and glue to cut out and paste a flat collage of brilliant color.

Principal figures mirror each other. They both raise one

arm to cup their head in their hand, while supporting the

weight of their body with the other. But the meanings of

each gesture and the materials and methods by which they

were made contrast greatly. Raphael's study of fallen men

leaves no doubt that they are in anguish. In a single drawing

we see equally observed studies of foreshortening (see

pp.116-17), anatomy, and human defeat. By way of contrast,

Matisse's blue nude sings with life and celebration. In this

highly sophisticated abstraction, we see the essence of her

beauty without a single detail. She unfolds and stretches

shapely limbs, filling the page with her presence.

Italian High Renaissance painter: Raphael is best known
for his images of the Madonna and Child, altar pieces,
and Vatican frescos. He trained under Perugino, and
studied to learn from the works of Michelangelo and
Leonardo besides whom he was soon ranked.

Sculptural frieze This is a preparatory drawing for Raphael's
painting of the Resurrection of Christ. Here three male nudes are
compressed into very shallow pictorial space, so that we read this
drawing like a sculptural frieze. Muscular dramatic postures reflect
the influence of Michelangelo and the Renaissance celebration of
the idealized male body.

Three Guards
91 / 4 x 143 / 8 in (234 x 365 mm)
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